STARSHOWER v1.2 has just released, complete with a new and shiny framework for quite literally everything (a majority) of things in the game. In addition to being published on what I plan to be an actually professional account, a number of changes have been made as mostly setup for a larger update to occur:

  • Score is hidden from the player until reaching the end of the "initialization phase" (unimplemented, as of now)
  • Score is replaced instead with a timer at the top that transports the player to the boss after it ends
  • Fixed a metric ton of bugs
  • Added full support for a new system of music and replaced potential copyright strikes with copyright-free music
  • Added the first of two major bosses

STARSHOWER v1.3 will be the second and last of what I consider to be a "major update" for the game, as I have my sights set personally on new and bigger things. As real-life things are also happening around this time, it may not come for a while, as well. v1.3 is planned to contain:

  • Infinite mode
  • A global leaderboard
  • The second and final of the two major bosses
  • Roguelike-style upgrades to start off a run
  • Random stage events that affect enemy behavior or spawning, but grant increased score

Stay tuned.


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